Please follow the extended abstract template guidelines for Word and LaTeX for formatting instructions. Note that abstracts should be submitted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Submissions that exceed the 2-page limit (including figures and references) will be automatically rejected.
The extended abstract should include a title and a list of 5 keywords, but no authors’ names or affiliations. The abstract should outline the main contribution, data and methods used, results, and the impact of the work. Authors are encouraged to include one figure in their submission (the figure counts towards the page limit).
Submissions will be non-archival, and the presented work can be already published, in preparation for publication elsewhere, or ongoing research. Submission implies willingness to present a talk or poster at the conference.
Paper authors will be allowed 20 minutes total (about a 15 minute talk with 5 minutes of questions) to present their work.
Papers submission: April 20, 2020 Extended to April 30, 2020. (Anywhere in the world)
Paper acceptance notification: May 1, 2020 Extented to May 10, 2020.
NECO Workshops Day: June 8, 2020.
You can submit your paper here.